A little spotlight on Beyul fingering this week as it is perfect for some spring/summer knit planning.
BEYUL – Baby Yak • Silk • ethically sourced superwash Merino
100g = 366 meters • 400 yards
Colourway – Monk’s Robe – rich mulled-wine red
There are currently 18 hues of this gorgeous blend in stock!
Beyul fingering from above left: Bronze, Fleur, Turquoise Tarn, Monk’s Robe,Yurt, Steppe, Electric Amaranth, Shrub, Sacred Saffron, Black Quartz.
Clockwise on right grid: Rhubarb, Brass, Jade, Serpentine, Iceberg, NEW Onyx, Delft, NEW Ink, Orchid.
There have been some pretty amazing Beyul projects cropping up. The fabulous Fiona – @knittingfiona on instagram – posted her exquisite Hitofude in Monk’s Roberecently. Jaw droppingly stunning!
Then I ran across Tiffany’s amazing Sacred Saffron Tegna on Ravelry last weekend and have also added it to my queue!
I also came across Kristin’s Sibella in Goji, a hue slightly redder than Monk’s Robeand warmer than Rhubarb.
So exciting seeing all the finished projects. Check all the Beyul projects out on Ravelry if you have a chance.
There are some amazing ones!
All yarns are now in shop.