Fibre East and a coupon! - Kettle Yarn Co.

Fibre East and a coupon!

July 29, 2016

I am loading up the van and driving to Flitwick today for the show. So excited!
You can find us in the Romney tent this year. Straight to the field and slightly to the right:
Once in the tent we are right again, towards the back right corner next to the PHOP stand. image
I Am offering a tiny treat with the virtual coupon in this week’s Fivre Est Newsletter…first 50 people get a FREE Kettle Yarn Co. project bag tag
with the purchase of any small or large project bag with this coupon! I know a lot of you are planning on getting a Llamallamallama bag, so come early as I only managed to get a small amount in.
I will also have a few Ewe shawl pins at the stand, and have gotten a couple of new styles for the show which are spectacular. image
See those of of you who can make it Saturday! Can’t. Wait.

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