Honey, honey
In a last minute, mad rush I polished off another Honey Cowl by Antonia Shankland this week for my partner’s birthday. I cast it on in Islington DK Tuesday morning on the train for London…
I only had until Saturday to get this done, so basically knit every second I could. I discovered my project bag clipped neatly to the handle of my rolling trolley in the tube and this made it much easier to knit standing up while trying not to fall over as the carriage was moving (and on escalators, as in the blurry shot above at Liverpool St)!
I got a good chunk done while away but was a bit worried that I’d not be able to keep the gift a surprise if I was knitting at home. I assumed the Purple Reign and obvious slip stitches would catch his eye as the cowl is a replacement for one he left on a train some months, but found out pretty quickly that J apparently pays NO attention to what I am knitting any more. ;-P
I finished the last stitches and bound off Friday night, then managed to get it steam blocked Saturday morning before he got up! Phew.
Success! He was very surprised and super pleased…though I managed to get him to stop making silly faces for ONE shot. ;-P
There is nothing like knitting a gift for someone who actually appreciates it, is there?